What Is The Quote To Cash Process And How Do You Implement It?

Lead generation involves varied relentless efforts that include content marketing, email outreach, digital ads, cold calls, and more to convince and nurture potential customers.

However, without a structured process to guide leads through the sales funnel, you can lose out on valuable sales opportunities to your competitors.

Fortunately, this is where quote-to-cash comes in. 

It helps to streamline and automate the entire sales cycle, increasing efficiency and spurring higher revenues. 

So, what is the Quote to Cash process and how do you implement it?

Read on to find out.


  • Quote to Cash (Q2C) is a process that covers all the steps involved in initiating and completing a sale from configuring quotes for potential customers to collecting and recording the revenue from the finalized sale.
  • A QTC software provides an automated solution that removes human errors from the equation and helps you to manage and monitor the multiple independent actions in the quote-to-cash process. 
  • Metrics like churn rate, average order entry time, RFP win rate, % of orders delivered in time & in full, revenue, MOM profit margins, and more will help you develop a clear picture of how well your new QTC system is performing. 
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Understanding the Quote to Cash Process

Step Description Tools/Software
Quoting Sales reps generate quotes, including pricing, scope, discounts, and add-ons. Risk of errors due to complexity. QTC software for accurate pricing
Contracting Crafting proposals, negotiating terms, and finalizing contracts after quote acceptance. Billing and invoicing software (e.g., Stax Bill)
Order Management Fulfillment of orders according to agreed terms. QTC software helps allocate tasks and provide updates. QTC software for task allocation and updates
Billing Invoice generation post-order completion. Supports renewals, cross-sells, and upsells. Billing and invoicing software
Revenue Recognition Recording incoming revenue per accounting standards (IFRS, GAAP). Accounting software for revenue recognition and financial reporting
Direction Bi-directional; both sender and recipient can initiate transfers Unidirectional; only the sender can initiate the transfer
Geographical Limitations Mostly domestic (within the U.S. and territories) No geographical limitations except for U.S.-sanctioned countries
Security Features Highly secure with financial industry standards, encryption, and strict protocols Enhanced security with proof of identity required
Best for Recurring bills, payroll, government transactions, B2B payments High-value transactions, urgent payments, international transfers

Quote to Cash (Q2C) is a process that covers all the steps involved in initiating and completing a sale from configuring quotes for potential customers to collecting and recording the revenue from the finalized sale.

The process encompasses the roles and specialties of multiple departments within an organization, including marketing, sales, legal, order fulfillment, operations, and finance.

The application of these roles and specialties can be best understood by breaking the Q2C process into the following five discernible steps. 


While prospecting and promotional activities to engage potential customers usually take place first, the generation of a quote upon a customer inquiry is typically regarded as the first step in the Q2C process

The quote prepared by the sales representative will include information on pricing, scope of work, discounts, add-ons, customization options, and more. 

However, there is always the risk of errors in the process of building a quote for a potential client due to complicated pricing structures used by many companies and confusion caused by spontaneous customer requests for adjustments in the scope of service required.

You can avoid errors in the quote process by acquiring QTC software, which will help provide up-to-date pricing information to your sales staff.


Research by Bidsketch shows that 66% of quotes sent to potential customers end without an actual sale.

Interestingly, customers who have taken the step to reach out to get a quote are already very interested in your services.

So, if you lose them to your competitors at this point, it means there were inefficiencies in the quotation process or the inadequate scope of your services discouraged them. 

Luckily, the emergence of robust billing and invoicing software platforms like Stax Bill have made it easy for sales teams to be more thorough and customer-friendly with their quotes. 

Once a customer is satisfied with your quote, a proposal will be crafted, terms will be negotiated, and a final contract agreement will be prepared that spells out the terms of the sale or service to be provided. 

Order management

This is the stage where the order is completed according to the terms and schedule agreed with your customer.

Your QTC software is crucial at this phase because it will help allocate tasks to the teams involved in the order fulfillment process.

It will also help provide detailed and relevant updates to your customer throughout the sale completion or project execution process.


Upon completion of the order, an invoice will be generated according to pre-agreed terms.

Your billing and invoicing software will provide you with real-time sales data to help prevent errors and delays in preparing and sending out invoices to your customers.

In the aftermath of the sale, your customer can choose to renew the contract, which could trigger a recurring billing or subscription agreement.

Your salespeople can also opt to cross-sell or upsell the customer, and your billing and invoicing software will make it easy for them to use existing data for pitching other products and services to the customer.

Revenue recognition

There are accounting standards that govern when and how your incoming revenue must be recorded in your financial statements. 

The IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) are good examples. 

A top-quality accounting software platform will help with revenue recognition, financial reports, financial forecasting, and revenue projections. 

Quote to cash software

All five Q2C steps should ideally be linked together to create a seamless process, and that’s best done with software.

The old manual way of doing things where sales reps rely on subjective personal judgment to prepare quotes for customers and spreadsheets to record and track customer data often leads to inconsistencies and errors.

A QTC software provides an automated solution that removes human errors from the equation and helps you to manage and monitor the multiple independent actions in the quote-to-cash process. 

The QTC platform will integrate with your CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise resource planning) software tools to synchronize your business operations data and make it much easier to close leads, manage orders, prepare invoices, and track inventory.  

We should add that QTC software is different from CPQ software, which is designed to help businesses generate more quotes for potential customers.

Also, just like CPQ (configure, price, quote), OTC (order to cash) is occasionally used interchangeably with QTC.

They are different, and OTC is a more narrow process. It starts when a customer accepts an order and ends after payment has been collected.

Benefits of an Efficient Quote to Cash Process

When implemented the right way, QTC can lead to massive positive changes in the status of your business.

Here are some of the advantages you are set to obtain:

Improved revenue cycle efficiency 

The integration of all your relevant software tools and company processes under one coherent QTC framework makes it easy to analyze revenue streams and spot inefficiencies in your revenue-generating processes.

You will also be able to better forecast sales, estimate related expenses, and plan your inventory.

Enhanced customer efficiency 

When your sales reps can promptly deliver accurate orders to customers with all the details of their purchase, your customers will face fewer delays, which will lead to greater satisfaction with your services. 

A top-quality QTC software will also provide you with real-time customer data that will help you engage your clients more effectively throughout the customer journey, and these can help increase customer retention rates. 

Better cash flow management

Efficiencies created by a streamlined Q2C process will ensure invoices get to customers on time, and the cash will also be paid into your accounts much quicker. 

The accounts receivable process will be seamless and outstanding invoices can be easily tracked and resolved. 

Reduced errors and disputes

When you utilize QTC software to automate the sales process and facilitate the movement of information and data between all the relevant company departments, there will be a huge improvement in internal communications and productivity.

Improved in-house collaboration and communication will drastically reduce errors in the order configuration, fulfillment, and billing processes, which will lead to fewer disputes with customers.

Increased visibility and control

Before the emergence of automated Q2C tools, reporting was done manually within each department, which created siloed databases and made it tedious and sometimes completelyimpossible for management to track and analyze business performance data.

Now, with the availability of sophisticated and deeply integrated QTC software applications, you can easily view and analyze performance metrics that display the status of your business in real time.

Challenges in Implementing a Quote to Cash Process

If you are not prepared, you may face a few bottlenecks in the process of implementing the QTC process in your company.

Here are a few pitfalls to watch out for:

Integration with existing systems

As we already mentioned, the QTC process encompasses multiple individual tools and sales processes, and if they don’t integrate seamlessly with each other, you will end up with system siloes that make it impossible for you to have full visibility across the sales cycle.

You need a robust QTC platform that works well with your existing business operations software tools, so you can seamlessly streamline the movement of customer data and communication between your departmental teams.

Managing change within the organization

Failure to obtain the buy-in of your team will lead to inefficiencies like pricing errors, quotation delays, inaccurate invoices, and impaired revenue collection and recognition.

You must work with your staff to help them understand the advantages and importance of an efficient QTC system.

It’s also important to pay attention to their feedback on the positive and negative impact of the newly created QTC workflows and processes.

Ensuring data accuracy and consistency

This shouldn’t be a problem unless you choose to rely on manual processes and outdated data collection tools.

Automation helps reduce data errors and inconsistencies and you are much better off subscribing to a full-featured automated solution like Stax Bill.

Compliance and regulatory considerations

Regulatory requirements can vary from one industry to another, but accounting rules like IFRS and GAAP tend to be universal.

You need to integrate accounting management software or simply opt for an end-to-end billing & invoicing solution like Stax with all the features and tools you need for accurate financial reporting. 

Steps to Implement the Quote to Cash Process

Follow the six-step process outlined below to ensure you avoid any of the pitfalls covered in the preceding section when implementing a QTC system in your organization.

Step 1: Assess your current processes

The first step is to examine your current sales process as a single journey to identify the repetitive tasks involved in each step from how your sales teams generate customer quotes to how your accounting team handles revenue recognition.

Try to identify what works well, what can be refined, and areas of inefficiency that need drastic improvement. 

Once you are done you should have a new framework for your QTC system that will include tasks to be done manually, tasks to be automated, tasks to be transferred from an existing pool of disparate tools to a more robust all-in-one platform, and tasks that are currently being handled efficiently by existing software tools.

Step 2: Select the right tools and technology

Your hard work in step 1 should give you a good idea of the types of software tools you need and the features they must have.

There are multiple software solutions on the market. Here are some essential features required for them to even make your shortlist:

  • Automated features for quote creation and delivery 
  • Comprehensive order and billing management functionality 
  • Proposal and contract creation features 
  • Flexible pricing and discounting functionality 
  • Seamless integration with existing business management software tools
  • Robust reporting and analytics functionality 
  • Ability to scale with your business

You should also consider ease of use. The platform must not be too complex for your team to learn and operate.

Step 3: Align cross-functional teams

The quote-to-cash process usually involves multiple departments, and your workflows and processes must ensure they are in lockstep to maximize the efficiencies promised by the QTC system.

One hindrance to this is the practice of some small businesses that use multiple standalone software solutions to handle the many tasks within the QTC process.

This siloed approach makes the transmission of data and communication between departments difficult. 

It will also be impossible to view the entire process holistically from a single dashboard.

Prevent such issues by only opting for software tools that play well with others, and your central QTC software must be able to integrate data from all your tools and apps to connect the entire process. 

Step 4: Define and standardize workflows

Your billing and invoicing software must make it easy for sales reps to generate standardized but customizable quotation templates quickly and accurately in response to customer inquiries.

Failure to produce detailed quotations on time can lead to a loss of potential customers to competitors with more efficient processes. 

Of course, your workflows don’t stop at the quotation phase; there are four other stages where the quality of the customer experience and efficiency of your processes will determine whether you retain the customer or not. 

Step 5: Train staff and ensure user adoption

The investment you make into the proper training of your staff on the many tools and processes utilized in your QTC framework will help eliminate inefficiencies and boost the customer experience.

It can also lead to improved cash flow, greater revenues, higher lead close rates, and fewer customer disputes.

Step 6: Monitor, measure, and optimize the process continuously

Once your staff are fully trained and the entire system is up and running, your role as a business owner shifts to monitoring the success of the system and optimizing areas that need improvement.

You should have a list of KPIs that will help you track the performance of your system. 

Metrics like churn rate, average order entry time, RFP win rate, % of orders delivered in time & in full, revenue, MOM profit margins, and more will help you develop a clear picture of how well your new system is performing. 

Best Practices for a Successful Quote to Cash Implementation

  • A clear strategy and objectives: you should have clear idea of what you want to achieve with your new QTC system, whether it’s to improve customer experience, reduce churn rates, or boost revenues.
  • Investing in automation and digital tools: sticking with the manual processes will only lead to customer dissatisfaction, automation will save you time and help you focus your energy on improving your product and services.
  • Fostering collaboration across departments: seamless communication will help prevent errors and delays, and it is vital to the success of your QTC system.
  • Prioritizing data quality and integrity: an automated process will facilitate the secure transmission of data between departments, which ensures orders will be fulfilled on time and accurately.

Implementing an Efficient QTC System for Your Company

This article has shown you how a well-designed quote-to-cash process can help element errors and inefficiencies in order fulfillment.

Quoting, contracting, order fulfillment, billing, payment collection, and other processes in the entire sales lifecycle will become faster and more efficient.

However, the system can only truly maximize its potential if you have a QTC solution that ticks all the right boxes. 

Stax Bill is an automated subscription and payments platform that will help you automate and streamline your entire quote-to-cash process. 

You will be able to process orders more efficiently, automate payment collection, and generate more customer contract renewals and revenue.

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