Stx-21 Stax Connect_All_How To Know It’s Time To Integrate Payments Into Your Saas Platform

Companies and software providers that embed payment solutions into their services and platform are likely to attract and retain more customers. By using a cloud-based integrated payment software solution, you can provide a streamlined user experience while also earning an additional revenue stream through monetization. 

To access these functionalities, most companies work with an independent software vendor (ISV) partner, which essentially is a software company or app that works with another ISV company to drive their digital transformation and revenue sales, improve scalability, and enhance business processes.

When it comes to payments,partnering with an ISV like Stax Connect is a great way for companies to go to market with their own payment platform. But with different enterprise software solutions available, it can be hard finding the best ISV company to embed payments with. 

If you can relate to that, no need to worry—we’ll break it all down to set you up for success.


  • An ISV payments partner, when properly integrated, can reduce billing errors, empower companies to take data-driven decisions, and enhance overall efficiency. 
  • It’s important to carefully go through criteria like transparency, PCI compliance, and payment monetization when selecting an ISV payments partner.
  • There are numerous ISV companies that integrate payments. From software geared towards field services to medical and patient management platforms, these ISVs recognize the value of  embedding payment processing capabilities directly into their applications.
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7 ISV Companies that Integrate Payments

One of the best ways to understand integrated payments in the context of ISVs is actually to see these software companies in action. To that end, let’s look at some notable ISV companies that integrate payments into their solutions. 


Shelterluv is a web-based rescue management software that enables animal shelters and community service providers to streamline operations and improve the welfare of animals under their care. The software’s key features include digital adoption applications, reporting capabilities, and custom forms for things like vaccines and treatments. 

Shelterluv also has a built-in payment solution—ShelterPay—that allows shelters to collect funds and donations easily. The company uses Stax Connect’s white labeled API to power its payment features, ensuring that transactions are secure, compliant, and optimized for the unique needs of animal welfare organizations.

“We found what we were looking for with Stax,” says Elena Battles, Director of Customer Experience.” “Shelterluv provides the deep understanding and support of our customers; Stax provides the payments expertise. We’re grateful for the chance to make the work of our shelter and rescue customers a little easier every day—Stax plays a critical part in that seamless process.”


A solution built for service providers in the home and garden industry, HindSite allows lawn and irrigation specialists to manage their schedules, tasks, and client relationships. The software offers features that enhance service delivery, including time and material tracking, estimating, automated text and email messages, and more. 

HindSite also enables its users to process payments on the platform through FieldCentral Payments. This feature lets service providers securely store credit cards and send payment links to clients, so getting paid is a breeze. 

HindSite teamed up with Stax Connect to implement FieldCentral Payments, and the partnership enabled the company to provide more value to its users. 

Before launching integrated payments, HindSite users had to use a third-party payments provider, which meant juggling multiple solutions and spending time reconciling data. Thanks to integrated payments, the entire process is now simplified, enhancing the experience of both merchants and their clients. 

As HindSite user Michael Rose, owner of Suburban Lawn Sprinkler, puts it, “The ability to accept payments through my HindSite platform has been an absolute game-changer. HindSite and Stax are constantly adding features and functionality to improve my experience.”

Yard Bill

Yard Bill is a billing software platform geared specifically for gardeners. The software comes with built-in invoicing features that allow clients to pay online with a credit card or PayPal. 

The software enables gardeners to manage their finances more effectively and ensure that they’re paid for their work. Yard Bill lets gardeners offer subscriptions, view detailed payment histories, and create customizable web pages. Yard Bill also provides visibility into invoice activity and can notify users when invoices are viewed and paid. 


ChiroSpring is an all-in-one practice management software made for—you guessed it—chiropractors. With features like online intake forms, scheduling tools, and patient reminders, chiropractors can focus more on patient care rather than getting bogged down by admin.

As for payments, ChiroSpring has two key features to ensure chiropractors get paid. First is patient billing, which leverages ChiroSpring’s integrated clearinghouse to manage claims and ensure timely reimbursement from insurance providers. 

There’s also ChiroSpring Pay, an integrated payments solution (powered by Stax Connect) that allows chiropractors to accept card payments as well as create scheduled and recurring payments. ChiroSpring Pay is secure and HIPAA-compliant, which means all transactions are conducted with the highest level of security and privacy. That way, both the practice and the patients’ sensitive information are protected.

Because the payment solution is fully integrated into the software, merchants don’t have to worry about using separate systems for clinical management and financial transactions.


Sera is field service software built for HVAC, plumbing, and electrical professionals. The solution makes life easier for these pro service providers through features like scheduling and dispatch automation, live job time tracking, and dynamic pricing. 

Sera wanted to be an all-in-one solution for service providers, so the company sought out an integrated payments partner that could seamlessly handle transactions while offering excellent support capabilities.

Enter Stax Connect, which provides a comprehensive payment solution tailored specifically to the needs of field service professionals.

What made Stax Connect stand out from other providers was our focus on providing superior customer support and onboarding experience. According to Chris Meseke, Head of Product at Sera, Stax Connect went the extra mile in terms of service and support.

“Stax took ownership and played middleman to a contractor and us. They put together a program plan and a project plan and everything, which was way above and beyond. To come to the table with that was pretty unique,” he says.

Since partnering with Stax, Sera has launched Sera Payments, and has seen a reduction in merchant approval time, larger processing volume per merchant, and faster issue resolution.


Shopify’s integrated payment service offers transparent fees, flexible checkout options, and streamlined online store payments. It’s a popular ISV for eCommerce sites and the default for all Shopify stores, which means there is no need to set up a third-party provider to process payments. With no cancellation fees or pre-set contract lengths, Shopify provides its users with transparency and freedom to use its all-in-one eCommerce solution as they see fit.

They’re also mostly transparent with their pricing, offering interchange plus pricing that starts at 2.5% + 30¢ USD. Note that this can go up to 2.59 + 30¢ USD, depending on your Shopify plan and other factors. 

And if you’re looking for more specific solutions like omnichannel selling, you’d have to shell out around $90 extra per location. It’s also not the best option for clients that don’t need website hosting since you’ll be required to sign up and pay for that to access Shopify Payments. If you host your website with Shopify, this could be an intelligent solution, but for companies that have their website set up elsewhere and are looking primarily for payment hardware, Stax might be the better ISV partner.


SimplePractice is a web-based electronic health record (EHR) solution for various types of medical practices, including mental health clinics, social workers, and therapists.

SimplePractice digitizes several processes around patient scheduling, document management, insurance claims, and more. The platform also has Telehealth capabilities so medical professionals can connect with their patients remotely.

Regarding payments, SimplePractice offers HIPAA-compliant payment processing with built-in features like AutoPay, billing document creation, billing estimates, and more. 

Criteria for Selecting the Best ISV Company

On paper, finding the right SaaS billing software sounds like a piece of cake: you want a provider that processes payments and manages the entire transaction lifecycle. In reality, it can be a bit trickier. So what should you look for?

Consider the following.

  • Pricing and transparency. You want a provider that’s transparent: not just about pricing, but also with customer service (is it easy to get help when needed?) and onboarding (can it be customized to your unique business?).
  • Payment integrations. They should take an innovative approach to payment solutions, offering a range of integrations and automations to improve your workflow. That way, they’re not disrupting your way of working, but complementing it. 
  • Data and reporting.See if they offer built-in payment analytics and data insights, and preferably provide a way to monetize payments as well!
  • Security and fraud prevention. Make sure your payments are 100% protected with a company that doesn’t just meet, but goes beyond PCI compliance, like via data tokenization.

By taking these steps—and verifying everything your potential provider says independently on review sites—you can rest easy knowing you made the right decision.

Wrapping Up

Integrating payments into your current offering with the right ISV partner can enhance your platform or application, all while providing real value to your customers. 

Through the power of payments-led growth, our Stax Connect API helps ISVs go to market with their own branded payment platform. Use our payments expertise to unlock revenue potential and take your platform to the next level, all with Stax Connect. 

Contact us today to learn more.

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FAQs about ISV companies

Q: What is an ISV and how does it help with payment integration? 

An Independent Software Vendor (ISV) is a company or app that partners with other businesses to drive their digital transformation, particularly in integrating payment solutions. ISVs like Stax Connect can help reduce billing errors, empower data-driven decisions, and enhance overall business efficiency by providing streamlined payment integration platforms.

Q: What should I look for when choosing an ISV for payment integration? 

Pay attention to factors like pricing transparency, payment integration options, data and reporting capabilities, and security measures. You want a provider that offers a wide range of payment integration options to fit your specific business needs.

Q: How do I ensure the ISV I choose is the best fit for my business? 

To ensure the best fit, evaluate the ISV based on your specific business needs, such as the scale of your operations, your industry’s specific requirements, and the geographic regions you serve. Also, independently verify the ISV’s claims through reviews on trusted sites and consider their customer service and technical support capabilities.

Q: What steps should I take to start integrating an ISV payment solution? 

The integration process will vary from one provider to the next. Contact the ISV to discuss customization options for your unique business model, and ensure you understand their pricing structure, security standards, and support services. Be sure to follow the ISV’s onboarding process to integrate their payment solutions into your platform or service.